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Turning on the garbage disposal uses a unique motor to grind and chop up waste in your kitchen sink. As it does this, water from the faucet helps flush any ground-up material down the drain. The blades are made of rigid metal alloy that is sharp enough to break apart food particles quickly but not too sharp to damage the disposal.

When the motor is running, it forces water down a special chamber and then out through small holes in the side of the garbage disposal. This creates a vortex-like effect that helps keep particles moving away from the blades while also helping to push any larger pieces of waste further down into the drain pipe. In addition, most newer models come with a reverse grind feature that can help clear out any clogs or debris built up in the unit.

Garbage disposals significantly reduce the waste you must deal with when cleaning up after meals since they quickly and easily break down food particles into small pieces. Although this makes disposing of them much more accessible, it’s still important to remember that some items, such as bones, eggshells, and fibrous materials like fruit peels or celery, should never go into the disposal.


What Can Cause A Garbage Disposal to Break

If your garbage disposal has stopped working, the first thing to do is identify the cause of the problem. Most commonly, garbage disposal stops working because of a clog in the motor housing or drain pipe. If you have an older model, it could also be due to worn-out parts that need replacement.

Unplugging your garbage disposal and looking at the motor housing to diagnose and repair it is best. If there is a clog in the motor housing, you must find out what is causing it and remove it. Common causes of clogs include food waste, grease buildup, and non-food items such as small toys or jewelry accidentally dropped down the drain.

If the problem is due to worn-out or damaged parts, you can try replacing these parts yourself. However, it is always best to call a professional plumber with access to the tools and skills required for repair. This will save you time and ensure that the job is done correctly. Regardless of what is causing your garbage disposal to stop working, it is essential to take the necessary steps to fix the problem as soon as possible. This will help prevent further damage and ensure that your garbage disposal operates appropriately again.


The Benefits of Maintenance

It is also important to note that regular maintenance can help reduce the chances of malfunctioning disposal. Clean your garbage disposal regularly with warm water and lemon juice to keep it in good condition. This will help prevent the buildup of food debris, grease, and other materials that can cause blockages. Additionally, using cold water when running the disposal is recommended, as hot water can damage parts over time.

Finally, appropriately using garbage disposals is critical to extending its lifespan. To avoid damage, never put fibrous foods such as celery stalks and banana peels into the garbage disposal. Additionally, avoid putting hard objects like metal or glass into the disposal as these materials can jam the blades and cause severe damage. By following these tips, you can keep your garbage disposal in good working order and ensure it lasts many years.