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Common Water Heater Issues and the Benefits of Going Tankless


If you’ve ever been the last one to shower in the morning, you might be all too familiar with the shock of cold water. An unpleasant surprise often signals a problem with your home’s water heater. Here in Ogden, Utah, where winters can be harsh, having a reliable source of hot water is crucial. At Plumbing Utah, we frequently address various water heater issues, ranging from minor repairs to complete replacements. In this post, we’ll explore some of our customers’ most common water heater problems and discuss why many switch to tankless water heaters.

Typical Water Heater Troubles

Inconsistent Water Temperature: Water temperatures can indicate mineral buildup inside the tank. In hard water areas like Ogden, sediment can accumulate quickly, affecting your heater’s efficiency and capacity.

Leaks Water heaters can develop leaks over time due to corrosion or faulty connections. A puddle around the base of your heater usually means it’s time for repairs or a replacement.

Strange Noises: A rumbling or banging sound from your water heater can be alarming. This noise typically occurs when sediment is stirred during the heating process, which not only creates noise but also reduces the efficiency of your unit.

Running Out of Hot Water Running out more quickly than usual can indicate a heating element failure or issues with the thermostat. It’s not just an inconvenience; it can also increase your energy bills as your unit struggles to keep up.

While traditional tank water heaters have served many homes well, the growing popularity of tankless water heaters is hard to ignore, especially when considering their benefits.

Why Consider a Tankless Water Heater?

Endless Hot Water Imagine never running out of hot water in the middle of a shower again. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand, meaning you only heat what you use. This is perfect for families or anyone tired of scheduling showers around the water heater’s capacity.

Longer Lifespan Tankless water heaters typically last longer than their traditional counterparts. While a standard tank water heater might last 10-15 years, tankless models can go up to 20 years with proper maintenance.

Reduced Energy Bills Tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient because they heat water only when it’s needed. Traditional tanks keep gallons of water hot 24/7, which can rack up energy bills. Many Ogden customers notice decreased monthly expenses after switching to tankless.

Space Savings Tankless water heaters are compact and can be installed in smaller spaces or even outside on a wall. This frees up valuable space in your home for other uses.

Better for the Environment: Less energy use translates to a smaller carbon footprint. By switching to a tankless water heater, you’re saving money and making a more environmentally friendly choice.

Making the Switch

Deciding whether to repair your old water heater or upgrade to a tankless system can be challenging. At Plumbing Utah, we’re committed to helping Ogden residents understand their options so they can make informed decisions about their home plumbing needs.

If you’re experiencing issues with your water heater or considering an upgrade, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our experienced team is here to provide insights and solutions that best fit your lifestyle and budget. Remember, whether it’s a chilly winter morning or a busy family evening, you deserve all the hot water you need—exactly when you need it.
