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Most Common Boiler Problems


Winter is the time of year when having problems with your boiler are the most inconvenient. Some issues that can arise with your boiler are minor and could be fixed independently. Other issues are more significant and must be addressed by a professional boiler repair plumber. Below are some of the most common issues a boiler can face in a residential or commercial setting. If you notice any problems listed below, we encourage you to call an expert immediately.

List of common boiler issues.

Strange noises or kettling. As the name suggests, this is when your boiler sounds like a hot kettle during operation. This problem arises when sediments, such as calcium salts or lime, build up in your boiler’s bottom. When this occurs, it can cause your boiler to shut off before it gets too hot. On rare occasions, your boiler may not shut off properly. This can cause permanent damage to the unit or even cause the boiler to explode.

Lack of heat or hot water. One of the main questions we are asked is, “Why is my boiler not producing heat?” There are a lot of reasons this problem can arise. Typically, the path of least resistance is going to be calling a plumber. Common culprits include:

  • Improperly programmed thermostats.
  • Frozen pipes.
  • Low water levels or poor flow.
  • Broken airlocks.
  • Part of the machine is malfunctioning.

Water leaks in or around the boiler. There are several reasons why these leaks can occur. If this is happening, it is essential to stop the leak immediately. Suppose you must begin by shutting off the water to your house. If you can locate the isolation valves, you can shut the water off to the boiler directly to stop the flow to the unit itself. You can restore moisture to the rest of your home or business while you wait for the repair company to arrive.

More information about boilers

We will cover more boiler issues and information in the future. In the meantime, we are happy to speak with anyone about boiler installation, repair, or maintenance. We invite you to call our office at 801-601-1298 or post a comment in the section below. 
